
DoBrandStudio Magnetic Profile Site

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $482.47.

DoBrandStudio Magnetic Profile Site


What Are Magnetic Profile Sites?

Unlike corporate websites, magnetic profile sites are websites strictly about “you”.

The psychology behind the site’s design magnetically draws the visitor to you as they navigate down the page. The page is comprised of strategically placed elements designed to work with one another to establish your expertise and reinforce it.

In a very clear, concise and succinct manner (in the short time it takes to move from the top of the site to the bottom) the visitor transcends from unawareness of you to becoming an informed prospect eager to engage you as “the authority” in your areas of expertise.

The result . . . you’re prepositioned as “the authority” before you’ve even spoken to the prospective client or patient.

Isn’t that the essence of personal branding?

Do Magnetic Profile Sites Replace My Existing Site?

No. Magnetic profile sites are stand alone sites meant to compliment your digital corporate assets, not replace them.

These sites enhance your personal branding and image and “presell” prospective clients or patients on hiring you before you they even contact you.

Why Do I Need A Magnetic Profile Site?

The problem with most corporate sites is that they’re not designed for conversions. They’re essentially online brochures that provide a navigation menu that enables visitors to flip through each section page by page.

How often have you purchased a product or service from a brochure? Me either :).

In contrast, a landing page (a page to where ad traffic is driven) removes all navigation. The viewer either stays on the page and contacts you or closes the page and moves on.

In essence, that’s what we’re doing with magnetic profile sites. Our navigation makes it easy for the visitor to move between important information about you, but without ever leaving the page (that’s a key distinction, the visitor can’t navigate away from the page without closing the browser).

Our sites incorporate very specific, strategically placed elements that psychologically deepen the connection between the visitor and you. A typical corporate website doesn’t do that.

Who Are Magnetic Profile Sites For?

There used to be a time, not too long ago, when people wanted to do business with brand name institutions, legal, corporate and otherwise. That’s no longer the case. People want to do business with other people. They want to know the people behind the brands.

Your firm’s branding is not synonymous with “your brand”. Your prospective clients need to see “you”.

What better way to compliment your company or business brand than with a high profile site that speaks about you?

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